In this task, there is a PDF file only. The first thought that crossed my mind was that there is some kind of exploit embedded in it. Let’s analyze the file to see what secrets it got hidden. There are several ways to do it: online resources (wepwet) or local. I’ll use the later as online will do most of work for you and you will miss all the fun and knowledge. So, I’ll show here the local way where the hands will get a little bit dirty :–).
For this task, I’ll use peepdf
kit – fire up the tool with ./ -f -i [path_to_pdf]
and you will get the following:
The first thing we see here is Objects with JS code (1): [6]
, where 6 is the number of the object inside the *pdf*file. I’m not a big expert on pdf analysis but from some previous experience I know that exploits could be embedded in *pdf*s as JS
code, so lets start with the analysis of it here.
Continuing with js_analyse object 6
will produce the following:
Javascript code:
==================== Original Javascript code ====================
var HdPN = "";
var zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf = "";
var IxTUQnOvHg = unescape("%u72f9%u4649%u1525%u7f0d%u3d3c%ue084%ud62a%ue139%ua84a%u76b9%u9824%u7378%u7d71%u757f%u2076%u96d4%uba91%u1970%ub8f9%ue232%u467b%u9ba8%ufe01%uc7c6%ue3c1%u7e24%u437c%ue180%ub115%ub3b2%u4f66%u27b6%u9f3c%u7a4e%u412d%ubbbf%u7705%uf528%u9293%u9990%ua998%u0a47%u14eb%u3d49%u484b%u372f%ub98d%u3478%u0bb4%ud5d2%ue031%u3572%ud610%u6740%u2bbe%u4afd%u041c%u3f97%ufc3a%u7479%u421d%ub7b5%u0c2c%u130d%u25f8%u76b0%u4e79%u7bb1%u0c66%u2dbb%u911c%ua92f%ub82c%u8db0%u0d7e%u3b96%u49d4%ud56b%u03b7%ue1f7%u467d%u77b9%u3d42%u111d%u67e0%u4b92%ueb85%u2471%u9b48%uf902%u4f15%u04ba%ue300%u8727%u9fd6%u4770%u187a%u73e2%ufd1b%u2574%u437c%u4190%u97b6%u1499%u783c%u8337%ub3f8%u7235%u693f%u98f5%u7fbe%u4a75%ub493%ub5a8%u21bf%ufcd0%u3440%u057b%ub2b2%u7c71%u814e%u22e1%u04eb%u884a%u2ce2%u492d%u8d42%u75b3%uf523%u727f%ufc0b%u0197%ud3f7%u90f9%u41be%ua81c%u7d25%ub135%u7978%uf80a%ufd32%u769b%u921d%ubbb4%u77b8%u707e%u4073%u0c7a%ud689%u2491%u1446%u9fba%uc087%u0dd4%u4bb0%ub62f%ue381%u0574%u3fb9%u1b67%u93d5%u8396%u66e0%u47b5%u98b7%u153c%ua934%u3748%u3d27%u4f75%u8cbf%u43e2%ub899%u3873%u7deb%u257a%uf985%ubb8d%u7f91%u9667%ub292%u4879%u4a3c%ud433%u97a9%u377e%ub347%u933d%u0524%u9f3f%ue139%u3571%u23b4%ua8d6%u8814%uf8d1%u4272%u76ba%ufd08%ube41%ub54b%u150d%u4377%u1174%u78e3%ue020%u041c%u40bf%ud510%ub727%u70b1%uf52b%u222f%u4efc%u989b%u901d%ub62c%u4f7c%u342d%u0c66%ub099%u7b49%u787a%u7f7e%u7d73%ub946%ub091%u928d%u90bf%u21b7%ue0f6%u134b%u29f5%u67eb%u2577%ue186%u2a05%u66d6%ua8b9%u1535%u4296%u3498%ub199%ub4ba%ub52c%uf812%u4f93%u7b76%u3079%ubefd%u3f71%u4e40%u7cb3%u2775%ue209%u4324%u0c70%u182d%u02e3%u4af9%ubb47%u41b6%u729f%u9748%ud480%ud528%u749b%u1c3c%ufc84%u497d%u7eb8%ud26b%u1de0%u0d76%u3174%u14eb%u3770%u71a9%u723d%ub246%u2f78%u047f%ub6a9%u1c7b%u3a73%u3ce1%u19be%u34f9%ud500%u037a%ue2f8%ub024%ufd4e%u3d79%u7596%u9b15%u7c49%ub42f%u9f4f%u4799%uc13b%ue3d0%u4014%u903f%u41bf%u4397%ub88d%ub548%u0d77%u4ab2%u2d93%u9267%ub198%ufc1a%ud4b9%ub32c%ubaf5%u690c%u91d6%u04a8%u1dbb%u4666%u2505%u35b7%u3742%u4b27%ufc90%ud233%u30b2%uff64%u5a32%u528b%u8b0c%u1452%u728b%u3328%ub1c9%u3318%u33ff%uacc0%u613c%u027c%u202c%ucfc1%u030d%ue2f8%u81f0%u5bff%u4abc%u8b6a%u105a%u128b%uda75%u538b%u033c%uffd3%u3472%u528b%u0378%u8bd3%u2072%uf303%uc933%uad41%uc303%u3881%u6547%u5074%uf475%u7881%u7204%u636f%u7541%u81eb%u0878%u6464%u6572%ue275%u8b49%u2472%uf303%u8b66%u4e0c%u728b%u031c%u8bf3%u8e14%ud303%u3352%u57ff%u6168%u7972%u6841%u694c%u7262%u4c68%u616f%u5464%uff53%u68d2%u3233%u0101%u8966%u247c%u6802%u7375%u7265%uff54%u68d0%u786f%u0141%udf8b%u5c88%u0324%u6168%u6567%u6842%u654d%u7373%u5054%u54ff%u2c24%u6857%u2144%u2121%u4f68%u4e57%u8b45%ue8dc%u0000%u0000%u148b%u8124%u0b72%ua316%u32fb%u7968%ubece%u8132%u1772%u45ae%u48cf%uc168%ue12b%u812b%u2372%u3610%ud29f%u7168%ufa44%u81ff%u2f72%ua9f7%u0ca9%u8468%ucfe9%u8160%u3b72%u93be%u43a9%ud268%u98a3%u8137%u4772%u8a82%u3b62%uef68%u11a4%u814b%u5372%u47d6%uccc0%ube68%ua469%u81ff%u5f72%ucaa3%u3154%ud468%u65ab%u8b52%u57cc%u5153%u8b57%u89f1%u83f7%u1ec7%ufe39%u0b7d%u3681%u4542%u4645%uc683%ueb04%ufff1%u68d0%u7365%u0173%udf8b%u5c88%u0324%u5068%u6f72%u6863%u7845%u7469%uff54%u2474%uff40%u2454%u5740%ud0ff");
var MPBPtdcBjTlpvyTYkSwgkrWhXL = "";
for (EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA = 128; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA >= 0; --EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA) MPBPtdcBjTlpvyTYkSwgkrWhXL += unescape("%ub32f%u3791");
ETXTtdYdVfCzWGSukgeMeucEqeXxPvOfTRBiv = MPBPtdcBjTlpvyTYkSwgkrWhXL + IxTUQnOvHg;
OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY = unescape("%ub32f%u3791");
fyVSaXfMFSHNnkWOnWtUtAgDLISbrBOKEdKhLhAvwtdijnaHA = fJWhwERSDZtaZXlhcREfhZjCCVqFAPS + ETXTtdYdVfCzWGSukgeMeucEqeXxPvOfTRBiv.length
while (OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY.length < fyVSaXfMFSHNnkWOnWtUtAgDLISbrBOKEdKhLhAvwtdijnaHA) OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY += OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY;
UohsTktonqUXUXspNrfyqyqDQlcDfbmbywFjyLJiesb = OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY.substring(0, fyVSaXfMFSHNnkWOnWtUtAgDLISbrBOKEdKhLhAvwtdijnaHA);
MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru = OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY.substring(0, OqUWUVrfmYPMBTgnzLKaVHqyDzLRLWulhYMclwxdHrPlyslHTY.length - fyVSaXfMFSHNnkWOnWtUtAgDLISbrBOKEdKhLhAvwtdijnaHA);
while (MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru.length + fyVSaXfMFSHNnkWOnWtUtAgDLISbrBOKEdKhLhAvwtdijnaHA < 0x40000) MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru = MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru + MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru + UohsTktonqUXUXspNrfyqyqDQlcDfbmbywFjyLJiesb;
DPwxazRhwbQGu = new Array();
for (EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA = 0; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA < 100; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA++) DPwxazRhwbQGu[EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA] = MOysyGgYplwyZzNdETHwkru + ETXTtdYdVfCzWGSukgeMeucEqeXxPvOfTRBiv;
for (EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA = 142; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA >= 0; --EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA) zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf += unescape("%ub550%u0166");
bGtvKT = zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf.length + 20
while (zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf.length < bGtvKT) zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf += zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf;
Juphd = zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf.substring(0, bGtvKT);
QCZabMzxQiD = zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf.substring(0, zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf.length - bGtvKT);
while (QCZabMzxQiD.length + bGtvKT < 0x40000) QCZabMzxQiD = QCZabMzxQiD + QCZabMzxQiD + Juphd;
FovEDIUWBLVcXkOWFAFtYRnPySjMblpAiQIpweE = new Array();
for (EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA = 0; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA < 125; EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA++) FovEDIUWBLVcXkOWFAFtYRnPySjMblpAiQIpweE[EvMRYMExyjbCXxMkAjebxXmNeLXvloPzEWhKA] = QCZabMzxQiD + zNfykyBKUZpJbYxaihofpbKLkIDcRxYZWhcohxhunRGf;
Unescaped bytes:
f9 72 49 46 25 15 0d 7f 3c 3d 84 e0 2a d6 39 e1 |.rIF%..<=..*.9.|
4a a8 b9 76 24 98 78 73 71 7d 7f 75 76 20 d4 96 |J..v$.xsq}uv ..|
91 ba 70 19 f9 b8 32 e2 7b 46 a8 9b 01 fe c6 c7 |..p...2.{F......|
c1 e3 24 7e 7c 43 80 e1 15 b1 b2 b3 66 4f b6 27 |..$~|C......fO.'|
3c 9f 4e 7a 2d 41 bf bb 05 77 28 f5 93 92 90 99 |<.Nz-A...w(.....|
98 a9 47 0a eb 14 49 3d 4b 48 2f 37 8d b9 78 34 |..G...I=KH/7..x4|
b4 0b d2 d5 31 e0 72 35 10 d6 40 67 be 2b fd 4a |....1.r5..@g.+.J|
1c 04 97 3f 3a fc 79 74 1d 42 b5 b7 2c 0c 0d 13 |...?,...|
f8 25 b0 76 79 4e b1 7b 66 0c bb 2d 1c 91 2f a9 |.%.vyN.{f..-../.|
2c b8 b0 8d 7e 0d 96 3b d4 49 6b d5 b7 03 f7 e1 |,...~..;.Ik.....|
7d 46 b9 77 42 3d 1d 11 e0 67 92 4b 85 eb 71 24 |}F.wB=...g.K..q$|
48 9b 02 f9 15 4f ba 04 00 e3 27 87 d6 9f 70 47 |H....O....'...pG|
7a 18 e2 73 1b fd 74 25 7c 43 90 41 b6 97 99 14 |z..s..t%|C.A....|
3c 78 37 83 f8 b3 35 72 3f 69 f5 98 be 7f 75 4a |<x7...5r?i...uJ|
93 b4 a8 b5 bf 21 d0 fc 40 34 7b 05 b2 b2 71 7c |.....!..@4{...q||
4e 81 e1 22 eb 04 4a 88 e2 2c 2d 49 42 8d b3 75 |N.."..J..,-IB..u|
23 f5 7f 72 0b fc 97 01 f7 d3 f9 90 be 41 1c a8 |#.r.........A..|
25 7d 35 b1 78 79 0a f8 32 fd 9b 76 1d 92 b4 bb |%}5.xy..2..v....|
b8 77 7e 70 73 40 7a 0c 89 d6 91 24 46 14 ba 9f |.w~ps@z....$F...|
87 c0 d4 0d b0 4b 2f b6 81 e3 74 05 b9 3f 67 1b |.....K/...t..?g.|
d5 93 96 83 e0 66 b5 47 b7 98 3c 15 34 a9 48 37 |.....f.G..<.4.H7|
27 3d 75 4f bf 8c e2 43 99 b8 73 38 eb 7d 7a 25 |'=uO...C..s8.}z%|
85 f9 8d bb 91 7f 67 96 92 b2 79 48 3c 4a 33 d4 |.....g...yH<J3.|
a9 97 7e 37 47 b3 3d 93 24 05 3f 9f 39 e1 71 35 |..~7G.=.$.?.9.q5|
b4 23 d6 a8 14 88 d1 f8 72 42 ba 76 08 fd 41 be |.#......rB.v..A.|
4b b5 0d 15 77 43 74 11 e3 78 20 e0 1c 04 bf 40 |K...wCt..x ....@|
10 d5 27 b7 b1 70 2b f5 2f 22 fc 4e 9b 98 1d 90 |..'..p+./".N....|
2c b6 7c 4f 2d 34 66 0c 99 b0 49 7b 7a 78 7e 7f |,.|O-4f...I{zx~|
73 7d 46 b9 91 b0 8d 92 bf 90 b7 21 f6 e0 4b 13 |s}F........!..K.|
f5 29 eb 67 77 25 86 e1 05 2a d6 66 b9 a8 35 15 |.).gw%...*.f..5.|
96 42 98 34 99 b1 ba b4 2c b5 12 f8 93 4f 76 7b |.B.4....,....Ov{|
79 30 fd be 71 3f 40 4e b3 7c 75 27 09 e2 24 43 |y0..q?@N.|u'..$C|
70 0c 2d 18 e3 02 f9 4a 47 bb b6 41 9f 72 48 97 |p.-....JG..A.rH.|
80 d4 28 d5 9b 74 3c 1c 84 fc 7d 49 b8 7e 6b d2 |..(..t<...}I.~k.|
e0 1d 76 0d 74 31 eb 14 70 37 a9 71 3d 72 46 b2 |..v.t1..p7.q=rF.|
78 2f 7f 04 a9 b6 7b 1c 73 3a e1 3c be 19 f9 34 |x/...{.s:.<...4|
00 d5 7a 03 f8 e2 24 b0 4e fd 79 3d 96 75 15 9b |..z...$.N.y=.u..|
49 7c 2f b4 4f 9f 99 47 3b c1 d0 e3 14 40 3f 90 |I|/.O..G;....@?.|
bf 41 97 43 8d b8 48 b5 77 0d b2 4a 93 2d 67 92 |.A.C..H.w..J.-g.|
98 b1 1a fc b9 d4 2c b3 f5 ba 0c 69 d6 91 a8 04 |......,....i....|
bb 1d 66 46 05 25 b7 35 42 37 27 4b 90 fc 33 d2 |..fF.%.5B7'K..3.|
b2 30 64 ff 32 5a 8b 52 0c 8b 52 14 8b 72 28 33 |.0d.2Z.R..R..r(3|
c9 b1 18 33 ff 33 c0 ac 3c 61 7c 02 2c 20 c1 cf |...3.3..<a|., ..|
0d 03 f8 e2 f0 81 ff 5b bc 4a 6a 8b 5a 10 8b 12 |.......[.Jj.Z...|
75 da 8b 53 3c 03 d3 ff 72 34 8b 52 78 03 d3 8b |u..S<...r4.Rx...|
72 20 03 f3 33 c9 41 ad 03 c3 81 38 47 65 74 50 |r ..3.A....8GetP|
75 f4 81 78 04 72 6f 63 41 75 eb 81 78 08 64 64 |u..x.rocAu..x.dd|
72 65 75 e2 49 8b 72 24 03 f3 66 8b 0c 4e 8b 72 |reu.I.r$..f..N.r|
1c 03 f3 8b 14 8e 03 d3 52 33 ff 57 68 61 72 79 |........R3.Whary|
41 68 4c 69 62 72 68 4c 6f 61 64 54 53 ff d2 68 |AhLibrhLoadTS..h|
33 32 01 01 66 89 7c 24 02 68 75 73 65 72 54 ff |32..f.|$.huserT.|
d0 68 6f 78 41 01 8b df 88 5c 24 03 68 61 67 65 |.hoxA....\$.hage|
42 68 4d 65 73 73 54 50 ff 54 24 2c 57 68 44 21 |BhMessTP.T$,WhD!|
21 21 68 4f 57 4e 45 8b dc e8 00 00 00 00 8b 14 |!!hOWNE.........|
24 81 72 0b 16 a3 fb 32 68 79 ce be 32 81 72 17 |$.r....2hy..2.r.|
ae 45 cf 48 68 c1 2b e1 2b 81 72 23 10 36 9f d2 |.E.Hh.+.+.r#.6..|
68 71 44 fa ff 81 72 2f f7 a9 a9 0c 68 84 e9 cf |hqD...r/....h...|
60 81 72 3b be 93 a9 43 68 d2 a3 98 37 81 72 47 |`.r;...Ch...7.rG|
82 8a 62 3b 68 ef a4 11 4b 81 72 53 d6 47 c0 cc |..b;h...K.rS.G..|
68 be 69 a4 ff 81 72 5f a3 ca 54 31 68 d4 ab 65 |h.i...r_..T1h..e|
52 8b cc 57 53 51 57 8b f1 89 f7 83 c7 1e 39 fe |R..WSQW.......9.|
7d 0b 81 36 42 45 45 46 83 c6 04 eb f1 ff d0 68 |}..6BEEF.......h|
65 73 73 01 8b df 88 5c 24 03 68 50 72 6f 63 68 |ess....\$.hProch|
45 78 69 74 54 ff 74 24 40 ff 54 24 40 57 ff d0 |ExitT.t$@.T$@W..|
Nice, this result looks like a shellcode to me :–). Next step – IDA.
As you can see, part of the shellcode is busy with finding and preparing all the infrastructure for the execution – finding:
to getuser32.dll
to getMessageBox
which are used to show the encoded mail and exit the process respectively.
At the end you can find the “secret” we’ve been after. After call
there are series of xor
s that are decoding the message parts which are immediately pushed into the stack.
0: call 5
5: mov edx, [esp] ; edx = 5
8: xor sword ptr [edx + 0xB], 0x32FBA316 ; edx + 0xA (size of line (5) and (8)) + 1 (size of push) = edx + 0xB
F: push 0x32BECE79 ; after above line execution the 0x456D6F will be actually pushed
For each encoded part, I’ve commented the decoded result of the message by decoding it with the help of calc.exe
. Pay attention, that the bytes on the screenshot are in the reverse order. So, the final result is:
The author wanted you to open the debugger and go under-hood, so before the final message is shown with MessageBox
, it will be encoded again :–)